Whether your financial institution needs help in better managing your overdraft program or Reg. E communications, seeking alternative solutions to short-term liquidity, or looking for innovative ways to combat potential loss in overdraft revenue, our suite of solutions can help accomplish all of these goals.
Velocity’s Award Winning Solutions
Velocity’s Award Winning Solutions:
Intelligent Limit System®
Learn about the industry’s only truly managed and responsible overdraft platform, with overdraft limits based on ability to repay.
Velocity’s Award Winning Solutions:
Reg. E Management
Your account holders cannot benefit from overdraft protection unless they’ve opted-in to Reg. E. Learn the various ways our team can help.
Velocity’s Award Winning Solutions:
Velocity’s small-dollar consumer loan platform is an affordable, responsible, and compliant way to provide short-term liquidity.
Velocity’s Award Winning Solutions:
Account Revenue Solution®
Combat potential loss of overdraft fee revenue by driving more activity with your existing accounts so that they are transacting with you as their primary financial institution.
Velocity’s Award Winning Solutions:
Combat potential loss of overdraft fee revenue by increasing account volume with accounts that are profitable, transact more frequently, and stay with you longer.
Velocity’s Award Winning Solutions:
My Rewards® Premium Cards
Combat loss of overdraft fee revenue by coupling access to your (potentially) lower-priced overdraft service with a premium subscription product that provides valuable benefits and services.
White Papers
Our collection of overdraft-focused white papers authored by Velocity subject matter experts.
The Overdraft Strategy Playbook
Download an Executive Summary of Velocity’s extensive 55-page Overdraft Strategy Playbook created for our clients.
Velocity Executive Summits
Learn more in person at our free educational strategy sessions for bank and credit union executives.
Velocity's Award-Winning Solutions
Our suite of solutions can help you provide responsible consumer liquidity while balancing risk and revenue.