Revolutionizing Consumer Liquidity Management
Covering short-term liquidity needs will always play a fundamental role in the banking system. The question is how to best serve consumers in a way that is responsible, compliant and ensures that people have the ability to repay the liquidity provided to them. And, even more importantly, community financial institutions will win when they allow consumers the choice of which short-term liquidity option makes best sense for them. Overdraft protection is a valuable and responsible service—when it’s done right.
That’s where Velocity’s Consumer Liquidity Engine™ comes in. Our proprietary algorithm assigns customized overdraft limits, based on your account holder’s ability to repay. Most overdraft programs offer the same overdraft limit to all of their customers or members, regardless of their transactional history or income. Intelligent Limit System dynamically adjusts the consumer’s limit up or down in response to transactional and deposit activity to assign an overdraft limit that the consumer is able to repay, mitigating risk to your financial institution and your account holders. Financial regulators are increasingly looking at ability to repay as the gold standard for short-term liquidity.
Once Intelligent Limit System is implemented, our team has the necessary data files in order to easily activate our consumer loan platform, CashPlease, if your financial institution wishes to offer various liquidity options to your account holders. Intelligent Limit System and CashPlease work in tandem across the Velocity Intelligent Platform, assigning a total short-term liquidity limit across both products. Your financial institution will not incur additional short-term liquidity exposure by choosing to offer both overdraft and short-term loans. And by reducing account holders’ overdraft limit by the amount of their short-term loan, it helps to prevent them from falling into a financial ditch from which they can’t easily recover.
What If...
- Your account holders had individual limits based on their ability to repay?
- You had a provider that pays more than lip service to compliance?
- Overdraft protection was viewed as a valuable service, rather than a penalty?