FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. – June 4, 2024, The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) invited Velocity Solutions CEO Christopher Leonard to speak about the next frontiers in expanding availability of small-dollar credit as part of a panel of experts at the Project REACh Financial Inclusion Summit, held on May 29 and 30, 2024, in Washington, D.C.

Leonard, an expert in consumer liquidity solutions and advocate for greater fairness in the regulated banking system, participated in the OCC’s Project REACh (Roundtable for Economic Access and Change) panel on Expanding Availability of Small Dollar Credit. The panel explored solutions to increase economic access to financially underserved and under-resourced communities.

“It was an honor to take part in this panel and speak about such an important issue,” said Leonard. “Expanding access to fair, responsible small-dollar loans within the regulated banking system opens up financial avenues that lead to economic empowerment and greater opportunities for more consumers. I was very happy to find an audience that was truly interested in the role community financial institutions have to play in this kind of credit, as well as how cash-flow based (non-FICO score) underwriting can be automated for even the smallest of banks and credit unions.”

“Putting fairness first is at the heart of what we do at Velocity Solutions,” continued Leonard. “Whether it’s helping financial institutions determine consumer liquidity limits based on an individual’s ability to repay or offering easy-to-access, flexible lending solutions, our approach is inherently unbiased and fair.”

The two-day summit featured leaders from the banking industry, civil rights organizations, technology providers and community development non-profits. The May 29 session was open to the public and featured remarks from Acting Comptroller Michael J. Hsu. The May 30 session was open only to current and interested Project REACh participants. More summit details >

Following his Project REACh appearance, Leonard will present an educational webinar, Overdraft & Consumer Liquidity: How to Put Fairness First, on June 13 at 2PM EST. Registration is free and open to all >

To learn more about Velocity Solutions’ Consumer Liquidity Engine™, featuring fair, compliant and responsible overdraft and consumer liquidity solutions, visit

About Velocity Solutions, LLC

Founded in 1995 and servicing the transaction accounts of over 30 million consumers and business owners, Velocity Solutions is the leading provider of technology solutions that drive revenue, service and compliance for community banks and credit unions. Our Velocity Intelligent Platform® powers all of Velocity’s solutions, using machine-led intelligence that delivers powerful analytics, manages risk, and drives revenue, loans, account holder engagement and non-interest income to our client financial institutions. For more information, please visit

Media Inquiries:

Beth Planakis, Director of Marketing, Velocity Solutions: